Monday, April 2, 2007


Life is never easy going it always has its ups and downs, but somehow or another life is in such a way that when your on the upside and things are going well for you, somethings is bound to happen so that your will be on the down side. Is it a test?wether we are able to handle it or isit just meant to happen so that we have a bigger brighter future ahead of us. You never know. In circumstances like these, you never know what to do, you never know whats best for you. Your afraid that if you choose one, it mite be a mistake and regret it.

Relationships are not easy neither are they hard. As long as 2 are happy and when i say happy i mean really happy then you will do things more postively. But of coz not all realtionships last. Some people get tired of their other half. Some start to ponder wether they still love them as strongly as before. Others give excuses because they cant cope with the demands or just plain simply want out.

When it ends, one of you are bound to be more hurt than the other. And your thoughts will run wildly. You will start to think of all the craziest possible things that you can think of. Why did it happen? What went wrong?What did i do? Did i not do enough? its common for all these thoughts and when you hurt badly and have free time it takes like forever to heal.

Many people will give you phrases like "it its meant to be,its meant to be" or " if you love the person let him/her go and if he/she comes back then she's the one" and many others but its simple. I may not be an expert in relationships, but its simple as if the person is willing to at least fight for you or fight to slavage something i feel its already something good. Because after all many people nowdays just give up without a fight or just plainly give excuses which may be valid but then again they are excuses.

How isit that we can always give advice to people but never seem to take our own? Ever had a situation that you were in and asked someone for advice, only for the next time when your friend is in a situation to ask you the same thing and you give advice. Its good to seek advice from others, but it will be better if you take the advice of others and what you would tell others if they were in the situation. How to handle a situation? or How to get through with it?Every setback is hard to take and at times you cant handle it alone. Thats why you always have people around who you can talk to. People who care. They may not show it but silently they do. They actually give a shit. Don't feel like everything is against you and that the whole world is going wrong. Because it isnt, its just a small setback.

Misinterpreting things is very common nowdays. And it always happens when people start to assume stuff. For instance, after a break up your sad and depressed and your other half is out with friends and somehow you manage to find out that he/she isnt feeling that sad and actually having fun. You start to get angry and hurt even more. But did you stop to think that maybe the same could be for you. That you go meet your friends because you dont want to be lonely and then they do stuff that cheer you up and make you feel a little better for that short moment of time. Its common to feel better when your out and suddenly, you go back to square 1 and feel all shitty when your home or alone.

They say time heals everything. So occupy your time with something. Try not to keep yourself to free to think about stuff. Do whatever makes you happy even if you've got no mood. TRY!!!. Eventually everything will be ok or better.

**I wrote this post for someone. To help that person and hopefully it will help her to get over it easily.You know who you are.

Like i said, its easy to give advice. But can you take your own advice? I doubt i ever did any of those stuff i just wrote and i'm not sure how much of it ill do. Don't be like me. Go one better.

Happinss cannot come from without.
It must come from within.

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