Friday, February 16, 2007

Break, Breakdown

Had a bad emotional nite yest. Came home and watched some shows online after that while lying on my bed it hit me bad. Was just lying there suddenly everything came rushing at a go. It was about 3.30am in the morning and this was so called one of the worst nites ive had for the past few months. You know the feeling when you have to let go of something or leave something, this was worst. Very Very painful. Dont ask me why it was yest i dont know as well, but it was very very painful. I needed to just talk to someone or needed a listening ear, but for the first time, when i i picked up my phone i had no one to call. No one that i was sure will pick up the phone and keep me company for that short while or to give me some advice that i need. Eventually i just lay in bed and handled it by myself tossing and turning till i eventually fell asleep at around 6am. Woke up today with puffy eyes and kind of red. Lucky nobody noticed. Chest kind of hurting after last nite, couldnt really breath that well kept coughing non stop. The eyes are actually hurting more, cant stop rubbing. Thankfully last nite was over. I hope it doesnt happen again. It hasn't happened for a long time and its kind of akward that it happened again yest. I hope today will be a better day

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