Saturday, February 17, 2007


Woke up today kind of in a good mood, thought i could finally go rollerblading after so long, plus its the holidays and have a long weekend but couldnt go in the end.Couldnt go because i could barely get out of bed, couldnt even stand. My hernia was hurting to a point that when i stand i had to immediately sit. So that was canceled. And i doubt im going tmr also.Had to lie in bed for nearly an hour before i could actually walk with less pain in me. Didnt tell anyone at home about it, because didnt really want them to worry so much knowing they will panic. Eventually was better but had to take 3 diffrent kind of pain killers, which still didnt stop the pain completly. Sometimes i wonder, what was it i did that i have to be in so much pain, I didnt or rather havent been doing anything wrong the past few days. Havent seen that much of the friends, dont say much to them, so how can i wrong do anybody. Or is it like a plan that im suppose to suffer now and then the later years of my life ill be having a good one. Well lets just see how things work out. Just looks like ill be having to take those pills all over again. Ill know if i forget to take them, the pain will be unbearable. And me being a hero and all wont show it, but will just take it.

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