Sunday, March 4, 2007


Feburary is over, short and not so sweet. Time passes quickly nowdays. If there's one thing that we cant get back, is time. Oh well feburary has been relatively ok. Nothing much happened that i should go crazy about. Just the same old same old. Like i said life is monotonous, every month passes by and every month is the same fucking old thing. Dont have anything exciting to be happy about. So how was february for the rest of you guys. To me its just another month passing going for peoples bdays showing up trying to make the most of it. Now march is here, another long month ahead.Cant wait to get over and done with. Overall i can say feburary was quite bad for me. Didnt really have that many happy days, plus had that many days that i didnt want around. Hopefully march will be better. To all the feburary babies, once again Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Feburary Babies : Mark,Kenneth,Liwen,Manu,Mel(huiling) and Dino.

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