Monday, March 26, 2007

Good Memory Sucks Sometime

Sometimes i hate the fact that ive got a very good memory, This doesnt help when because i remember stuff which ermm lets just say isnt so happy. Oh well will just have to try and forget it..all though have tried many times before and it doesnt seem to work. Went to doctors again today. This is for the pain in the back that ive been having, explained to him where it has been hurting and when it hurts. He advised that i should stop most of my activities and do some back strenghtening exercising like swimming and rowing. So looks like no more blading for me. I doubt ill go swimming because not really very good at it plus it will get kind of boring. I think ill take up rowing or kayaching after all i do have a cert for that. Maybe can do it on sunday mornings or satday mornings. Will be able to get a good work out aswell.

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