Tuesday, January 2, 2007

A Look Back at 2006

2006 has been a year with lots of ups and downs for me.But overall i can say i enjoyed it. The year passed by quite fast..maybe that was because i was having fun, at times it seemed as if the week will take forever to end(that must have been the times when i was hurting badly) but it only make sense that time flies when ur having.

Lets take a look back at how 2006 was shall we

January 06 (the start of a new year)
I cant really recall much about jan but only remembering that i had lots of fun..i remember living the life going out every single day coming back late and just enjoying being alive and happy.Jan was a good month and i can say that i started the year on a good note

Feburary 06 (sweet sweet loving)
I'll never forgot feb..this because feb 06 at the age of 19 was the 1st time i ever celebrated or did something on vday.Usually i would sit ard doing nothing this because i had not have that someone special.My 1st valentines day was really very very special..i spent it with a beautiful person whom i love very much and had a wonderful day.Feb definetly one to remember

March0 06 (a call to manhood)
Hahah...march o6 is when the goverment decided that they should start paying me to keep fit..haha..it was a call to soon for me i guess..came as shock and short term notice but thank god i had my childhood fren who enlisted in the same day with me so the feeling of going into army wasnt that bad.But as usual after a while i started complaining and back to my normal nonsene..haha..didnt make that many new friends in army but thank god didnt make that many enemies :)

April 06 (I'm the April Fool)
My hernia was hurting badly and i couldnt run and do sit ups and couldnt do most of the exercise..but most of my sergeants thougth i was bluffing and wanted the easy way out..so thats why i was more like a fool. had to do all the area cleaning and all the sai kang work..eflt more like a cleaner than a soldier that month.

May 06 (hard to take)
I was a baby during this month. I cried non-stop because i lost someone who means very dear to me. i lost my 1st love and i didnt do anything wrong..At that point of time all i kept thinking was that i didnt do anything wrong and if i treated her well why did this happen but then i realised the reality behind everything and i can say i understand where she was coming from. If ive learnt one thing is that “"To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain.To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing" life is all about risk and learning. And i have learned some stuff along the way..but not yet risk anything.

June 06 (party animal)
Wahaha june i partied like mad..god knows how long were my mc's and where i got the money to go wild haha..drank and went out everysingle day...hw i still dont know haha

July 06 (starting of a good)
After all that has happend ive finally been given a good life in the army, doing nothing but sleeping and eating..thats hw i got my big tummy..haha..but hey when u've got lots of free time its when u spent reflecting the most..and i did alot of thinking and reflecting and ive got to admit that i am scared for my future and at times feel like shit because i was lonely and lost

August 06 (not that great)
The best friends bday..this month had lots of things to remember and foget..but still lots of things to laugh about aswell..like how i was so immature and stupid in trying to trick the army with no mc's but calling back and saying i had..The best friends bday was fun and i can honestly say all of us had a great time. There were other bdays too but non as exciting..heh.

Septmeber 06(IMF)
This month our country became famous and held the IMF world banking meeting.. There was lots of work for alot of people except me..not to forget my brothers bday..haha..who can forget how i had to carry him home before 12am..he was pissed drunk..carried him home washed my hands took his money and went back to club...ahah..Hey he did the same to me when i was a cayote ugly on my bday at coco 2yrs ago..nw its revenge..haha.the only sour part was losing a friend for awhile.

October 06 (MyBirthday)
Had lots of fun this month..celebrated my bday for like 4 days..went out non stop clubed and puked..my bday was 1 to rem..though it wasnt something big..my friends went out of the way to make me feel happy and spent time with me because they knew what i was going through. I really thank them alot for that and they dont know hw happy i was.

November 06 (November Rain)
Started getting closer again to my best friend and started going out again..felt comfortable and happy that i wont lose her and that things were slowly going back to normal juz like how they were before.. it was great old friends came back from overseas and new friends were made. Had a wonderful time..Cant rem a day that i wasnt happy..thats hw good it was.

December 06 (Christmas Miracle)
Its a wonder how spending a few days with certain pple u can raelly get to know them well..Went for my 1st ever group holiday to bangkok..12 of us went and i can say we really enjoyed ourselves..i learnt from some people stuff and got closer to a few other friends..Nt forgetting that i also went to my 1st zouk out and went topless on the podium..god knows what i was thinking. I also spent alot of time with my most dearest fren..missed the old times and yes we made new memories..had a lot of good laughs and celebrated both christmas and new years with a group of frens who take care of me very well and look out for me..Thank you guys. if there is only 1 regret i have..is that im not in the many pictures that are taken. I would have loved to keep them as memories.

Overall i can say 2006 was a good year. It had its up and downs but well i cant say that i didnt enjoy it..I got to make new friends and meet new people..i didnt lose any of my frens and thank god didnt lose any of my family memebers. I manage to go for a holiday and enjoy myself and definetly matured a little bit more..

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